During the school year, parents may register their students at the administrative office at Southside Christian Academy between the hours of 8:00 and 3:00.
Registration forms may also be submitted by mail.
Please address to:
Southside Christian Church
Attn: SCA Registration
2100 Lakeview Rd
Mexico, MO 65265
Families of Southside Christian Church will receive priority enrollment if completed before the date of open enrollment. Registration will then be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
We ask all families to comply with the following:
Read the Family Handbook.
Complete all necessary paperwork.
Take any necessary entrance exams given by the school.
Complete an interview between administration, parents and students.
Meet the school's academic admission criteria.
Non-refundable application fee of $150 (Applied to tuition if accepted).
Each new student admitted is on a nine-week trial period.