About our School
Southside Christian Academy is committed to providing a Christ-centered education integrating spiritual, academic, physical, and emotional training, leading to a life commitment and service to God.
Long before the launch of SCA, God set in motion a series of events that demonstrate his sovereign desire for Christian education in Mexico, MO. All due to the fervent prayer of the Elders of the Southside Christian Church and faithful families who desire the best for our children and our future, we present to you this opportunity to get involved and support this ministry. Through His miraculous hand of blessing, a financial seed was planted and a unique group of individuals came together to share their experiences in education. It is with grateful hearts that we give thanks and glory to God for all He has done.
Southside Christian Academy will operate on a faith basis, placing a large responsibility upon the parents to daily pray for the ministry, the staff, and their children. Parents must also prayerfully search their hearts as to what their part will be in the area of financial support. Ecclesiastes 4:12 states "a cord of three strands is not easily broken." We believe the family, the church, and the school working together will build up a stronger generation of young people.
Successful Christian education instills in each student a world and life view that is distinctively Bible-centric. As a staff and faculty of born again believers, we at SCA believe that God has created each person with unique gifts and will diligently work to ensure that each child will be equipped to use their strengths and challenges to further the cause of Christ. Therefore, God's word will be infused into all aspects of SCA. Our curriculum will provide a solid foundation built on Biblical values.
Southside Christian Academy offers kindergarten through fifth grade education. Each staff member is a faithful Christian dedicated to the education of children and fully passed a background check. We view education as a ministry to families seeking to "bring them (children) up in the training and admonition of the Lord." as instructed in Ephesians 6:4, using discipline through Christ-like love and encouragement.